The Silenceman Pt 1

I can't remember the day when I wasn't fulfilled, unfulfilled? There are many things in the world I have experienced. Knowledge that I have obtained, all no thanks to my parents. They died. I was left. and I moved on with my life, learning, living, and feeling, every emotion, but saving face when I was with my clients. Hmm, However, there wasn't a single day I was not busy heeding the beck and call of all my clients. I mean it is part of my career anyways. I've worked for countless esteemed individuals, and their families, that requires my services. I've done a lot and it wasn't always easy, but I never needed to worry because I had my wits, and they have never failed me, not one bit. People spend all their lives trying to learn, or progress themselves over the years, some get far, many fail. I guess because of my thirst for new knowledge, it has helped me get out of disastrous situations. But I am hungry for more experiences more that life has to offer, but I will always go out of my way to help others. Its a goddamn curse.

What would define what I do? Well, I guess I could be counted as a lawyer? Perhaps, a confidant? Nah, professional motorbike? Yes. A killer? Oooh, But I love computers, a hacker? Then again, I do know myself around the human body, a medic? I also like messing with companies and the government. A spy? But on the weekends I do tend to volunteer, the old champions there are all chill, and I love playing basketball with all the kids at the rec center. I guess I do like a lot of things. I guess as my dead uncle says, I am too crazy for my own good. Luckily he died of natural causes, which is surprising considering our line of work. Thanks to him I've learned the secret ways of a silenceman. I guess we get paid to solve peoples problems. Whether it is maintaining a contract, resolving company, or family issues, politics, economics, or simply seeking equality and justice. I am always there. No matter who it is there is always someone who needs me. I am extremely busy. And it isn't easy, but the reward is always a benefit, like I've said, I am always taken care of and valued in many societies. The richer, the more problematic, and the more the "quality" of the solutions that need to be enacted. Sometimes I'll do it for free, if I have been treated well in the past. And its fun, traveling, learning, fucking, killing, throwing coups, dismantling companies from the inside. Throwing evil people under the bus. Punching their faces, stabbing them, rubbing salt into their wounds. Or my favorite dressing up as a senile old woman and driving over them. Ahh fun times. But I also like dancing, and I always have time to go to church, I mean I do it cause there is this pastor working their and we have been friends for many years. He doesn't know what I do, but that doesn't matter, cause I always attend confession, and really "say my prayers", or, "light a few candles". Luckily he is a man of virtue and so am I trying to make the world a better place.

And I am fucking tired.


The Silenceman Pt 1